Band-Aids are those little helpers that can make our cuts and scrapes feel better. It is beneficial in the sense that it can aid us to recuperate rapidly! Next > How Band-Aids Work 1 2COMMENTView CommentsPrintThe idea of putting a bandage on cuts and scrapes has been around for decades.
How Band-Aids Help Us Heal
As soon as we get a cut our body gets into work immediately to help us heal. Special blood cells make their swift entrance to the cut site. These cells are then start to clot, which is kind of like a scab; it stops the blood. Then, a different kind of blood cell (called white blood cells) gives the wound an assist by attacking any germs that could enter your skin cut. They are white blood cells that work like little soldiers guarding out bodies! Eventually, our skin grows new cells in an attempt to close the cut so we can heal.
Band-Aids help by covering the cut during this healing process. Each time when we put a Band-Aid on it, then there is a protective layer which has formed over the wound. This layer may prevent dust or bacteria that can keep you healthy and avoid getting an infection. When the cut is clean, and our body have to spend less time fighting off extra bacteria we will heal more quickly and feel better faster.
How Band-Aids Stay On
Have you ever taped up a wound? It does not stick that good and can fall off in short order. Band-Aids have adhesive to keep them in place.
Adhesive - which is what makes the Band-Aid stick to our skin. When it comes to Band-Aids, the stick is there in order to hold them in place so they do not become loose or fall off. It is also gentle so that when we pull the Band-Aid off, it doesn't really hurt. That way, band-aids can cover our cuts without peeling off part of the pound of flesh we had to clip off inside before they will come out into daylight.
Air and Moisture in The Process
Sure enough, but here is where we need air and moisture to help heal our wounds from cuts and scrapes. The idea is that when a wound comes in contact with air, it enables health by allowing the oxygen to enter. This oxygen is so important as it helps the cells to grow and repair faster.
The perfect however even with an ideal air mattress system extra can become a case of too much good thing if you flood the body part. It just makes sure that if a cut is too dry, healing could be messed up. And that is where Band-Aids can really come in handy! Bandages may maintain the wound damp, which aids to keep it moist enough. The wet environment is also to keep the wound moist as it heals faster and better.
How Band-Aids Have Changed
Believe it or not, Band-Aids are over 100 years old! That’s a long time! Through the years, researchers have been attempting to evolve them even further so that they are nowhere near what they used to be.
Once Upon A Time, Band-Aids Were Nothing But Cotton And Sticky StuffQnA_MARKER_NOESC_PADHere is a really old ad for an early type of cotton back in the day bandaid. However, today they are made in all sorts of things from wood to different levels of adhesiveness. There are specialty band-aids which fit the fingers, toes, or other body parts better.
In fact, some of these new Band-Aids even have medicine in them to do an even better job killing germs! This means that it can further help the prevent infections. We even have waterproof Band Aids, which are incredibly helpful because they don't come off and can be worn while showering or swimming.
The Impact of Band-Aids
While bandages may seem quite minor overall, they revolutionised the way in which we dealt with injuries. People used to wrap cuts in large bandages or pieces of cloth before Band-aids were invented. It was not very effective and could be uncomfortable or downright painful to wear.
Band-Aids made it easy for anyone to patch their cuts in one step, without much thought. The Kits made complex wound care simple and something anyone could use whenever they were. Band-Aids have gotten better over the years too, and they've caught up with all of the latest advancements in cut-healing techniques.
The next time you put on a Band-Aid, remember that it is not just one of those stickers. It is therapeutic and quickens your body's healing process. Band-Aids are much more than they seem and really important for our health & well-being.